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OCTOBER 27, 1998


How much better can this band get?  Each release brings them to another level that after the previous it is hard to believe they can accomplish such a feat.  This time around, they have produced two discs from the same sessions but they will hold off the second release for a later date.  The listener becomes aware that this album will have a dramatic funk feel with vocals pushing the limits.  The funk masters of the seventies will easily give a nod of approval because Phish definitely combines the jams of bands like The Allman Brothers Band with the funk of Average White Band.  They have taken long, jammed out songs and broke them down into some of their most powerful tracks.  Following the shorter song ideals from Billy Breathes has brought even more fans into the fold.  They still leave the songs open for expansion during their live performances.

"Fikus" is psychedelically driven, allowing the bass riff to be the vehicle into the lyrics.  "Of holding forth from singing words/of flying south with flocks of birds" explains the philosophy behind this album.  The songs can take you anywhere you wish to go, as their diversity becomes expanded with these songs.  The final bass line that fades into the darkness on "Fikus" is quietly reminiscent of past jazz albums.

It is impossible to stamp this band into any genre because if you do they will downplay that in their next release, once again proving they are in a category of their own.  "Wading In The Velvet Sea" is a perfect example, as they downplay the twang but go full-throttle into a country-feeling track.  After that, don’t be shocked when they blow your mind with "Moma Dance" with an upbeat tempo that contrasts with the previous song while at the same time is seamless.  The potential of what they can do from here on out is infinite.




