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MAY 8, 1989

Phish has set itself up as one of the future great jam bands that can push the plateau way into the wee hours of the morning.  Every song delves into another genre of music then might break off for a section to enlighten the listener with yet another genre.  There are times you will feel as if there is no concept to the album as a whole.  Once the first listen is complete and you're well on your way into the sophomore spin, a concept will begin to rear its head.

There is no doubt that this band loves to jam with a groove that is sometimes fused with a distorted jazz sound.  Every member ropes in their own feel while they connect as a group on a very high level.  The final results give the listener the distinct sense that they have been through an episode of "Twilight Zone", "Alfred Hitchcock Presents", "The Outer Limits" or "The Hitchhiker".  If you turn the lights down low and close your eyes, you can find yourself drifting into the most incredible outlandish carnival where the piano becomes the driving force.  Then the music will take an abrupt turn and feel light and friendly, leaving the body to wonder where the mind had just been.

The funk ambitious songs bring the mid 70's sound up from the often buried style of mixing that hides the true foundation of the song.  Mike Gordon (bass) And Jon Fishman (drums) feed off each other, adding a quick unexpected sound to the song and within seconds the other is countering.  There are times when they get completely away from the original tone of a song, but not to worry, they bring you back safe and sound.  They are so good; please don't forget to tip when they drop you off.

I love lyrics, but this band need not have a chorus or a verse. However, they do indulge a little bit without disappointment.  With the typical rhyme here and there, it is the delivery that has such originality that makes it unmistakable.  They do not base themselves on twisted lyrics or pop/rock party band music but devote more of their time on musical growth.  This first time full-length release from Phish is an explosion into their future endeavors.     

Today's music is all about the quick hit or the power ballad that can bring in the fast buck.  Phish is more content to develop their sound and build a solid fan base where fans will continue to flock for years to come. 
